News Release


Notice of Acquisition of ISMS Certification


We are pleased to announce that our company, Point3 Inc. has acquired ISO27001 certification, an international standard for information security management systems (ISMS).In order to deliver our services with the trust and confidence of our customers, we will implement safer and more appropriate information security measures and provide security services with the aim of further improving our reliability.Summary of certification and registration

– Registered organization: Point Three Co., Ltd.

– Scope of registration: Consulting services related to management/statistics/analysis/survey/marketing/information security, consulting and development services related to information systems/AI, and all operations incidental to the above

– Certification Criteria: ISO/IEC 27001:2013 / JIS Q 27001:2014

– Registration number: IS 268

– Date of certification: April 26, 2023

– Certification/Registration Body: Better Living Systems Certification/Registration Center