Web AI Assistant

An Introduction to Web-based AI Assistants


E-commerce Sales
High Number of
Queries and Complaints
No Out-of-hours
Lacking in
Multilingual Support
of Data


Multilingual and always available
(in more than 80 languages, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year)
Customised Query Responses and Product Recommendations
Accurate information and acquire user data
(AI conversation analysis)
Accurate information and
acquire user data

(AI conversation analysis)

What is a Web-based AI Assistant?

  • 1
    Multilingual Support
  • 2
    Polite, Professional & Culturally Sensitive
  • 3
    FAQ Page Link
Service Guide
  • 1
    Customised Product Recommendations
  • 2
    Coupon Distribution
  • 3
    Product Information
  • 1
    Learns Company Information
  • 2
    Latest Information Updates
  • 3
    Sales System Linkage
Data Application
  • 1
    Stores Customer Conversations
  • 2
    Organises Information
  • 3
    Improved Service & Sale Opportunities

Web-based AI Assistant Use Case

Data Application


Real-time System

Web-based AI Assistant vs Chatbot

Web-based AI Chatbot
Can be expensive and complicated to develop. Quicker and cheaper to develop and launch.
Capable of voice and text input and output. Capable of text only inputs and outputs.
Can be deployed on websites as voice assistants, etc. Can be used as a chat interface only.
Can automatically resolve vast majority of user inquiries and provide tailored responses to customers. Able to deliver responses based on trained conversation patterns / keywords, quickly and accurately but can’t answer questions / queries outside of the trained set.
Detects intent and sentiment in user. Any updates to pre-defined rules and conversational flow demands reconfiguration, manual maintenance & updates – difficult and time-consuming to scale.
Easy deployment and integration with existing databases. Not advanced enough to integrate with existing databases.
  • Highly scalable – as the company’s database updates, so does the Al interface.
  • Can save complex customer data such as purchasing history, browsing habits and demographic information.
  • Ongoing improvement – learns from every interaction and GPT update. Learning customer conversations and continually getting smarter.
  • Multiple language capability.